Упражнение 357.

Переведите на английский язык:
1. Каталоги только что получены. 2. Покажите мне каталоги, полученные из Ленинграда.
3. Этот договор подписан представителем фирмы. 4. Мы получили договор, подписанный
представителем фирмы. 5. Его статья напечатана в «Правде». 6. Его статья, напечатанная
сегодня в «Правде», очень интересная. 7. Эта книга переведена на английский язык.
8. Статья, переведенная тов. Ивановым, очень интересная. 9. Гарантия, представленная
фирмой, подписана директором банка. 10. Гарантия представлена фирмой. 11. Цифры, упомянутые
в его докладе, опубликованы в «Правде». 12. Эти цифры упомянуты в его статье.


1. The catalogues have just been received. 2. Show me the catalogues received
from Leningrad. 3. This agreement has been signed by the representative of the firm.
4. We have received the contract, signed by the representative of the firm. 5. His article
is published (or: has been published) in "Pravda". 6. His article, published in
"Pravda" to-day, is very interesting. 7. This book is translated (or: has been translated)
into English. 8. The article translated by Comrade Ivanov is very interesting.
9. The guarantee submitted by the firm, has been signed by the director of a bank.
10. The guarantee has been submitted by the firm. 11. The figures mentioned in his
report are published (or: have been published) in "Pravda". 12. These figures are
mentioned (or: have been mentioned) in his article.
